Bobotie. A culinary experiment


ell, here we go, for the first time, blogging about cuisine, cooking and eating (which is the only logical consequence of cooking, isn’t it?).

I’m not a great chef.
…Well, I’m not even a real chef.

Nevertheless, I enjoy cooking and most of all I like trying new food, anything that I’ve not yet eaten, other countries’ traditional dishes… you name it.

My cooking motto is “keep it simple”, which is not a philosophical statement, but it’s literally “keep it simple” as in: “Keep it simple, before you mess it up completely”
… Capisce? (say that in heavy Brooklyn-ese accent).

Continue reading Bobotie. A culinary experiment

Spicy Sweet & Sour Casserole


have no idea what this dish is actually called, so I like to use the non-descriptive and open to interpretation name in the title.

I have a particular predilection for spicy food, while the sweet/sour combination is not one that I have been very familiar with from my early (cooking) life.

On the other hand, I have learned to appreciate all sorts of flavours and also never to say “I don’t like that” before having actually tried it; therefore, please keep an open mind, try the Casserole and if you don’t like it… well, then never cook it again in your entire life.

Continue reading Spicy Sweet & Sour Casserole

Still waiting


inter has not yet gone by…
The official astronomical spring was already some days ago.

Like a wonderful haiku by Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉) says:


Toshi kurenu
Kasa kite waraji

Another year is gone
And I still wear
Straw hat and straw sandals

If your browser is unable to display the Japanese text correctly, here is a picture of it:


The world revolves and we don’t notice it.

We put one foot in front of the other
and we don’t realize that we have walked a whole life.

There is a promise in the air: spring is coming.

…And once again, we will wait for the summer
and will not realize that the spring is gone.

I wish we could stay in spring a whole life long.